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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fish Songs & Fingerplays

Like a Fish

I hold my fingers like a fish,
And wave them as I go.
See them swimming with a swish,
So swiftly to and fro.

Five Little Fish

Five little fish swimming by the shore,
One got caught and then there were four.

Four little fish swimming in the sea,
One got caught and then there were three.

Three little fish swimming in the blue,
One got caught and then there were two.

Two little fish swimming in the sun,
One got caught and then there was one.

One little fish swimming for home,
Decided it was best to never roam.

Once I Caught a Fish Alive

One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Then I let him go again.

Why did you let him go?
Because he bit my finger so.
Which finger did he bite?
This little finger on the right.

Swimming Fish

Fishy, fishy, swimming round
Sometimes up and sometimes down
Sometimes fast, sometimes slow
Near the net we’d better not go.


A Little Fish Went Out One Day

A little fish went out one day
And called his friends to come and play.
They swam,
They dived,
They played hide and seek.
They had such fun, they stayed for a week.


Ten Little Fishes

Ten little fishes were swimming in a school.
This one said, “Let’s swim where it is cool.”
This one said, “It’s a very warm day.”
This one said, “Come on, let’s play.”
This one said, “I’m as hungry as can be.”
This one said, “There’s a worm for me.”
This one said, “Wait, we’d better look.”
This one said, “Yes, It’s on a hook.”
This one said, “Can’t we get it anyway?”
This one said, “Perhaps we may.”
This one, so very brave, grabbed a bite and swam away.


The Octopus

Eight long legs (bend down from waist and swing arms)
And two big eyes. (Sand erect and circle thumb and index finger around eyes.)
Salty tears when he cries. (Pretend to cry and rub eyes with fists)
Digs his home at the bottom of the sea. (Make digging motions)
Can you guess what he can be? (Point to head as though thinking)
Try to catch him. (Lock arms around body)
Watch him hide (Hide face with hands)
Watch him wiggle (wiggle body
Watch him slide (Slide feet)
Feed him a fish so he won’t fuss (Pretend to take a fish from pail and feed him)
He’s a baby OC-TO-PUS! (Shake finger to group and/or person next to you)


Swim Little Fish
(Use hands and arms to make the movements suggested by the words)

Swim, little fish, in water clear.
Fly, little birds, up in the air;
Creep, little caterpillars, creep,
Sleep, little children, softly sleep.


We’re Going to the Beach

We’re going to the beach today (use happy tone of voice)
The sun is shining, hurray, hurray. (Point to “sun”)
We’ve packed our lunch. (Pantomime packing lunch)
We’ll eat a bunch. (Pantomime eating)
Oh, we’re going to the beach today!

We were going to the beach today (Use dejected tone of voice)
The sun was shining, but it went away (Look for the sun)
Now at home we have to stay (Make groaning sound)
In our rooms we’ll have to play.  (Pretend to play)

Oh, we can’t go to the beach today!
The rain is falling down (Make rain with fingers)
And puddles are spreading all around. (Make “puddles” with hand motions)
So let’s lay a blanket on the floor. (Make spreading motion)
We’ll make believe we’re at the beach (Pretend to be “sunning” on the floor or swimming
And all the bad weather we’ll ignore!


Little Bunny

There was a little bunny who lived in the wood.
He wiggled his ears as a good bunny should
He hopped by a squirrel.
He wiggled by a tree.
He hopped by a duck.
And he wiggled by me.
He stared at the squirrel.
He peeked around the tree.
He stared at the duck.
But he winked at me!

The Little Fish

(Put your left hand out, palm down, fingers closed, and thumb sticking out. Put your right hand on top of your left, palm also down and thumb sticking out. This is a fish with fins at its sides. Wiggle the thumbs. Make the fish swim by moving hands up and down in unison. Then make fish swim and wiggle fins at the same time. Open the mouth. Keep palms together, but drop the left hand fingers and raise the right-hand fingers. Close the mouth on “takes a bite.”)

Little fish                                              (Place palms in above position)
Goes out to play.
He wiggles his fins,                              (Wiggle thumbs)
Then swims away.                                (Move fingers up and down in unison)

He swims and swims                            (Move fingers up and down in unison and wiggle thumbs)
In the water bright.
He opens his mouth.                             (Keep palms together, lower fingers of left hand, raise

                                                               fingers of right hand)

And takes a bite.                                  (Close to starting position)
Mmmmmmmmmmm!  Tastes good!


Five Little Seashells

Five little seashells lying on the shore
Swish! Went the waves, and then there were four,
Four little seashells , cozy as could be;
Swish, went the waves, and then there were three.
Three little seashells all pearly new;
Swish! Went the waves, and then there were two.
Two little seashells sleeping in the sun;
Swish! Went the waves, and then there was one.
One little seashell left all alone
Whispered “Shhhhhhhh” as I took it home.


Ten White Sea Gulls

Ten white sea gulls
Are ready to fly
Over the hill
And up to the sky.

Ten white sea gulls
Swift as can be
Spread out their wings
And fly to the sea

Then white sea gulls
Are up in the sky;
Pretty white sea gulls,
Good-bye, good-bye!


Finger Fishes
Some funny fishes went out to play
In the kitchen sink not far away,
They found the soap and they scrub, scrub, scrubbed.
They found a towel and they rub, rub, rubbed.
What kind of fishes could they be?
Why, finger fishes, don’t you see?


Little Fish

Little fish goes out to play.
He wiggles his fins,
Then swims away.
He swims and swims in the water bright.
He opens his mouth and takes a bite.
Mmmmm! Tastes good!

My Turtle

This is my turtle                                                             (Make fist, extend thumb)
He lives in a shell                                                           (Hide thumb in fist)
He likes his home very well 
He poke his head out when he wants to eat                  (Extend thumb)
And pulls it back in when he wants to sleep.                (Hide thumb in fist)


I’m an ooshy, gooshy, slithery, slimy snail. (wiggle body all over)
I have no hands, no feet, no arms, no tail (point to hands, feet, arms, and rear)
I slither, and I slide, (slide on the floor)
I wiggle, and I glide (glide)
I’m an ooshy, gooshy, slithery, slimy snail. (wiggle body all over)

Five Big Whales

Five big whales in the sea offshore,
One swam up to spout, and that left four.

Four big whales in the deep blue sea.
One swam up to spout, and that left three.

Three big whales in the sea so blue,
One swam up to spout, and that left two.

Two big whales having lots of fun.
One swam up to spout, and that left one.

One big whale longing for the sun
It swam up to spout, and that left none.


Ten Little Tug Boats

Ten little tug boats out in the bay
Let’s see how they get through the day.

Ten little tug boats coming down the line;
One goes to work, and now there are nine.

Nine little tug boats keep their row straight;
But one slows down, so now there are eight.

Eight little tug boats are up to tricks;
One backs up, so now there are six.

Six little tug boats. Goodness sakes alive!
One toots down the bay, which leaves only four.

Four little tug boats are as busy as can be;
one has private business, so now there are three.

Three little tug boats to takes the liners through;
One reports for duty, and now there are two.

Two little tug boats are ready for the run;
One runs out of fuel; that leaves only one.

The last tug boat pulls a liner to shore.
He finally makes it, and there aren’t any more.


I’m a Little Fishy

(Tune: I’m a Little Teapot)

I’m a little fishy
I can swim
Here is my tail
Here is my fin
when I want to have fun
With my friends
I wiggle my tail and
Dive right in.



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