Puppy Dog
(tune: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear)
Puppy dog, puppy dog, turn around,
Puppy dog, puppy dog, touch the ground.
Puppy dog, puppy dog, wag your tail.
Puppy dog, puppy dog, drink from the pail.
Puppy dog, puppy dog, sit and beg.
Puppy dog, puppy dog, hold up one leg.
puppy dog, puppy dog, take a walk
Puppy dog, puppy dog, try to talk.
Puppy dog, puppy dog, try to lick
Puppy dog, puppy dog, fetch the stick.
Puppy dog, puppy dog go upstairs
Puppy dog, puppy dog, look for bears.
Puppy dog, puppy dog, turn off the light.
Puppy dog, puppy dog, say goodnight.
"Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone"
Oh where oh where has my little dog gone?
Oh where oh where can he be?
With his ears cut short and his tail cut long,
Oh where oh where can he be.
(tune: B-I-N-G-O)
I read a book about a dog
A dog that likes to run, oh!
P-U-P-P-Y! P-U-P-P-Y! P-U-P-P-Y!
Now what is this dog's name, oh?
I read a book about a dog,
A dog that likes to hide, oh!
P-U-P-P-Y! P-U-P-P-Y! P-U-P-P-Y!
Now what is this dog's name, oh?
I read a book about a dog,
A dog that has some spots, oh.
P-U-P-P-Y! P-U-P-P-Y! P-U-P-P-Y!
Now what is this dog's name,oh?
What dog keeps the best time? A watchdog
What's fluffy, white, and barks? Pup-corn
What do you get when you cross Snoopy with a hornet? A bee-gle
What's green and barks a lot? A pup tent!
What's a dog's favorite pizza? Pup-eroni
What do you call a police dog? A copper spaniel
Rags the Dog
I have a dog and his name is Rags. (point to self
He eats so much that his tummy sags! (rub tummy)
His ears go flip flop and his tail wig-wags! (wiggle hands on each side of head, swing arm back and forth for tail.)
And when he walks he goes zig-zag! (wiggle hips)
Refrain: say 3 times
He goes flip flop, wig wag, zig-zag! (do motions for ears, tail, then wiggle hips for zig-zag)
I love Rags and he loves me! Yeah!
I've got a dog as thin as a rail (children are sitting, palms of their hands in front, facing each other, close together)
He's got fleas all over his tail (wiggle fingers)
Every time his tail goes up (raise hands while wiggling fingers)
The fleas on the bottom all hop to the top (hands to floor, stand up, hands stretch up high)
(Leader calls out each line and the audience repeats it)
Flea fly.
Flea fly mosquito.
Oh, no no no more mosquitoes.
Itchy itchy, scratchy scratchy, oh, I got one down my backy.
Beat that big bad bug with the bug spray.
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Friday, April 14, 2017
All About Me Songs/Fingerplays
I Can
I can be anything
I can do anything
I can think anything
Big or Tall or
High or low
Wide or narrow
Fast or slow
Because I can and
I want to!
Hands are for loving,
Hands are for loving,
Hands are not for pushing or shoving!
Wave your hands,
Say hello and good-bye
Don't use your hands to make someone cry!
Hands are for loving,
Hands are for loving
Hands are not for pushing or shoving!
You have a left hand
and you have a right
Don't use your hands
To get in a fight.
Hands are for loving,
Hands are for loving.
Hands are not for pushing or shoving.
I'm Glad I'm Me
No one looks the way I do!
I have noticed that it's true!
No one walks the way I walk!
No one talks the way I talk!
No one plays the way I play.
No one says the things I say!
There's no one in the world like ME!
My, but I am glad I'm me!
I Believe
I believe in myself and
my ability to do my best for this.
I will think.
I will listen.
I will read
I will write
I will do my best and not waste this day.
For this day will not come anymore.
Success begins with ME!
I can be anything
I can do anything
I can think anything
Big or Tall or
High or low
Wide or narrow
Fast or slow
Because I can and
I want to!
Hands are for loving,
Hands are for loving,
Hands are not for pushing or shoving!
Wave your hands,
Say hello and good-bye
Don't use your hands to make someone cry!
Hands are for loving,
Hands are for loving
Hands are not for pushing or shoving!
You have a left hand
and you have a right
Don't use your hands
To get in a fight.
Hands are for loving,
Hands are for loving.
Hands are not for pushing or shoving.
I'm Glad I'm Me
No one looks the way I do!
I have noticed that it's true!
No one walks the way I walk!
No one talks the way I talk!
No one plays the way I play.
No one says the things I say!
There's no one in the world like ME!
My, but I am glad I'm me!
I Believe
I believe in myself and
my ability to do my best for this.
I will think.
I will listen.
I will read
I will write
I will do my best and not waste this day.
For this day will not come anymore.
Success begins with ME!
Friends Songs/Fingerplays
Friends care
Friends share
We need friends
I like you, there's no doubt about it,
No doubt about it,
No doubt about it.
I like you, there's no doubt about it.
You and I are friends.
Friends, friends, one, two, three
All my friends are here with me.
You're my friend,
You're my friend,
You're my friend.
Friends, friends, one, two, three,
All my friends are here with me.
I Am a Friend
(tune: Jimmy Cracked Corn)
I am a friend and a good friend, too.
I am a friend and a good friend, too
I am a friend and a good friend, too
I am glad you're my friend too.
I am a friend and a good friend, too
I am a friend and a good friend, too
I am a friend and a good friend, too.
I am glad for friends like you.
Friends care
Friends share
We need friends
I like you, there's no doubt about it,
No doubt about it,
No doubt about it.
I like you, there's no doubt about it.
You and I are friends.
Friends, friends, one, two, three
All my friends are here with me.
You're my friend,
You're my friend,
You're my friend.
Friends, friends, one, two, three,
All my friends are here with me.
I Am a Friend
(tune: Jimmy Cracked Corn)
I am a friend and a good friend, too.
I am a friend and a good friend, too
I am a friend and a good friend, too
I am glad you're my friend too.
I am a friend and a good friend, too
I am a friend and a good friend, too
I am a friend and a good friend, too.
I am glad for friends like you.
Counting and Numbers Songs/Fingerplays
Counting Rhyme
One, two, three, four, five
(Bend down five fingers, one at a time)
I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
(hold up five fingers, one at a time)
I let it go again.
A-Counting We Will Go
(tune: A-Hunting We Will Go)
A-counting we will go (clap in rhythm)
A-counting we will go.
4 and 5
A-counting we will go.
We're going to count our fingers (wiggle fingers)
We're going to count our fingers.
1-2-3 (count on fingers)
4 and 5
A-counting we will go
We're counting as we jump (bounce up and down)
We're counting as we jump,
1-2-3 (count as you bounce)
4 and 5,
A-counting we will go.
Hop, Hop, Hop
Find a foot and hop, hop, hop!
When we're tired we stop, stop, stop.
Turn around and count to ten,
Find a foot and hop again!
One, two, three, four, five
(Bend down five fingers, one at a time)
I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
(hold up five fingers, one at a time)
I let it go again.
A-Counting We Will Go
(tune: A-Hunting We Will Go)
A-counting we will go (clap in rhythm)
A-counting we will go.
4 and 5
A-counting we will go.
We're going to count our fingers (wiggle fingers)
We're going to count our fingers.
1-2-3 (count on fingers)
4 and 5
A-counting we will go
We're counting as we jump (bounce up and down)
We're counting as we jump,
1-2-3 (count as you bounce)
4 and 5,
A-counting we will go.
Hop, Hop, Hop
Find a foot and hop, hop, hop!
When we're tired we stop, stop, stop.
Turn around and count to ten,
Find a foot and hop again!
Winter Songs/Fingerplays
It is Winter
(tune: Are You Sleeping)
It is winter, it is winter,
Brr, cold, brr, cold.
Wear your coat and mittens,
Wear your coat and mittens,
Brr, cold, brr, cold.
(tune: Are You Sleeping)
It is winter, it is winter,
Brr, cold, brr, cold.
Wear your coat and mittens,
Wear your coat and mittens,
Brr, cold, brr, cold.
Shapes Songs/Fingerplays/Poems
Sammy Square
Sammy Square is my name
My 4 sides are just the same
Turn me around, I don't care
I'm always the same, I'm a square!
Danny Diamond
I am Danny Diamond
I am like a kite
But I'm really just a square
Who's corners are pulled tight.
Ricky Rectangle
Ricky Rectangle is my name
My 4 sides are not the same
2 are short and 2 are long
Count my sides, come along
Ollie Oval
I am Ollie Oval
A football shape is mine
Some people think that I'm an egg
But I think I look fine!
Tommy Triangle
Tommy triangle is the name for me
Tap my sides, 1,2,3.
Ricky Rectangle
Ricky Rectangle is my name
My four sides are not always the same,
Sometimes short and sometimes long,
Hear me sing my happy song.
Harry Heart
Harry Heart is my name
The shape I make is my fame
With a point on the bottom
And two humps on top
When it comes to love
I just can't stop!
Make a Triangle
(tune: Three Blind Mice)
One, two, three, one, two, three
Do you see? Do you see?
Up the hill and to the top
Down the hill -- and then you stop
Straight across, tell me what have you got?
A triangle--a triangle!
Make a Square
(tune: Twinkle, Twinkle)
From the bottom to the top
Straight across and then you stop
Straight down to the bottom again
Across and stop where you began
If the lines are the same size
Then a square is your surprise.
Make a Rectangle
A long line at the bottom
A long line at the top
A short line to connect each side
A rectangle you've got!
Now a short line at the bottom
A short line at the top
A long line to connect each side
A rectangle you've got!
Make a Circle
(tune: Pop Goes the Weasel)
Round and round on the paper I go
What fun to go around like so
What have I made, do you know?
I made a circle.
What Shape is This?
(tune: The Muffin Man)
Do you know what shape this is?
What shape this is, what shape this is?
Do you know what shape this is,
I'm holding in my hand?
Shapes Song
(tune Are You Sleeping?)
This is a square, this is a square
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has four sides, all the same size
It's a square, it's a square.
This is a circle, this is a circle
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It goes round and round, no end can be found
It's a circle, it's a circle.
This is a triangle, this is a triangle
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It only has three sides that join to make three points
It's a triangle, it's a triangle.
This is a rectangle, this is a rectangle
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has two short sides, and it has two long sides
It's a rectangle, it's a rectangle.
Shape Shake
(tune: Hokey Pokey)
(Give each child a small cutout of the shape you are working on)
You put your ______ (shape--circle, square, triangle, etc.) in,
You put your ______ (shape--circle, square, triangle, etc.) in,
You put your ______ (shape--circle, square, triangle, etc.) in, and you shake it all about.
You do the shake shake and you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about.
What Shape is This?
(tune: You are my Sunshine)
I am a square, a lovely square
I have four sides, they're all the same
I have four corners, four lovely corners
I am a square, that is my name.
(tune: Are You Sleeping?)
This is a square, this is a square
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has four sides, all the same size
It's a square, it's a square.
This is a circle, this is a circle
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It goes round and round, no end can be found
It's a circle, it's a circle.
This is a triangle, this is a triangle
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It only has three sides that join to make three points
It's a triangle, it's a triangle.
This is a rectangle, this is a rectangle.
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has two short sides, and it has two long sides
It's a rectangle, it's a rectangle.
The Rolling Circle Song
(tune Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?)
Have you ever seen a circle, a circle, a circle?
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes round and round?
It rolls this way and that way, and that way and this way.
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes round and round?
(tune: Jingle Bells)
Triangles, triangles,
Have three sides,
Triangles, triangles,
Have three sides
You can draw big triangles
In the air,
It is fun to use your hands
And make them anywhere.
One Blue Square
(tune: Three Blind Mice)
One blue square, one blue square,
See how it's shaped, see how it's shaped
Four big corners it does have,
Four big corners it does have
One blue square, one blue square.
Square Song
(tune: Mickey Mouse Club Theme Song)
All squares have four sides,
Shaped like blocks,
Or a slice of bread,
All four sides are the same.
One, two, three, four (spoken),
Squares are e-a-sy.
Make a Shape
(tune: The Mulberry Bush)
This is the way we make a square,
Make a square, make a square,
This is the way we make a square,
So early in the morning.
The Rolling Circle Song
(tune: Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?)
Have you ever seen a circle, a circle, a circle?
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes 'round and 'round?
It rolls this way and that way,
And this way and that way.
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes 'round and 'round?
It rolls this way and that way,
and this way and that way.
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes 'round and 'round?
Red Shapes Hokey Pokey
(tune: Hokey Pokey)
Put a red (name of shape) in,
Put a red (name of shape) in,
Put a red (name of shape) in,
And shake it all about.
Do the hokey pokey
And turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about.
Shapes What About You
I am a circle
Here's what I can do.
I can roll around.
How about you?
I am a square
So perfectly true.
I am the same length on four sides.
How about you?
I am a rectangle
With four sides too!
But I can be short or tall.
What about you?
I am a triangle
With only three sides.
But I can stand on anyone.
How about you?
It's a Rectangle
(tune: B-I-N-G-O)
There is a shape that has four sides,
But it is not a square...No!
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
It is not like a square....No!
Two sides are long; two sides are short.
They are not the same...No!
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
The sides are not the same...No!
(Hold up a square when mentioned and then hold up rectangle)
Sammy Square is my name
My 4 sides are just the same
Turn me around, I don't care
I'm always the same, I'm a square!
Danny Diamond
I am Danny Diamond
I am like a kite
But I'm really just a square
Who's corners are pulled tight.
Ricky Rectangle
Ricky Rectangle is my name
My 4 sides are not the same
2 are short and 2 are long
Count my sides, come along
Ollie Oval
I am Ollie Oval
A football shape is mine
Some people think that I'm an egg
But I think I look fine!
Tommy Triangle
Tommy triangle is the name for me
Tap my sides, 1,2,3.
Ricky Rectangle
Ricky Rectangle is my name
My four sides are not always the same,
Sometimes short and sometimes long,
Hear me sing my happy song.
Harry Heart
Harry Heart is my name
The shape I make is my fame
With a point on the bottom
And two humps on top
When it comes to love
I just can't stop!
Make a Triangle
(tune: Three Blind Mice)
One, two, three, one, two, three
Do you see? Do you see?
Up the hill and to the top
Down the hill -- and then you stop
Straight across, tell me what have you got?
A triangle--a triangle!
Make a Square
(tune: Twinkle, Twinkle)
From the bottom to the top
Straight across and then you stop
Straight down to the bottom again
Across and stop where you began
If the lines are the same size
Then a square is your surprise.
Make a Rectangle
A long line at the bottom
A long line at the top
A short line to connect each side
A rectangle you've got!
Now a short line at the bottom
A short line at the top
A long line to connect each side
A rectangle you've got!
Make a Circle
(tune: Pop Goes the Weasel)
Round and round on the paper I go
What fun to go around like so
What have I made, do you know?
I made a circle.
What Shape is This?
(tune: The Muffin Man)
Do you know what shape this is?
What shape this is, what shape this is?
Do you know what shape this is,
I'm holding in my hand?
Shapes Song
(tune Are You Sleeping?)
This is a square, this is a square
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has four sides, all the same size
It's a square, it's a square.
This is a circle, this is a circle
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It goes round and round, no end can be found
It's a circle, it's a circle.
This is a triangle, this is a triangle
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It only has three sides that join to make three points
It's a triangle, it's a triangle.
This is a rectangle, this is a rectangle
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has two short sides, and it has two long sides
It's a rectangle, it's a rectangle.
Shape Shake
(tune: Hokey Pokey)
(Give each child a small cutout of the shape you are working on)
You put your ______ (shape--circle, square, triangle, etc.) in,
You put your ______ (shape--circle, square, triangle, etc.) in,
You put your ______ (shape--circle, square, triangle, etc.) in, and you shake it all about.
You do the shake shake and you turn yourself around
That's what it's all about.
What Shape is This?
(tune: You are my Sunshine)
I am a square, a lovely square
I have four sides, they're all the same
I have four corners, four lovely corners
I am a square, that is my name.
(tune: Are You Sleeping?)
This is a square, this is a square
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has four sides, all the same size
It's a square, it's a square.
This is a circle, this is a circle
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It goes round and round, no end can be found
It's a circle, it's a circle.
This is a triangle, this is a triangle
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It only has three sides that join to make three points
It's a triangle, it's a triangle.
This is a rectangle, this is a rectangle.
How can you tell? How can you tell?
It has two short sides, and it has two long sides
It's a rectangle, it's a rectangle.
The Rolling Circle Song
(tune Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?)
Have you ever seen a circle, a circle, a circle?
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes round and round?
It rolls this way and that way, and that way and this way.
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes round and round?
(tune: Jingle Bells)
Triangles, triangles,
Have three sides,
Triangles, triangles,
Have three sides
You can draw big triangles
In the air,
It is fun to use your hands
And make them anywhere.
One Blue Square
(tune: Three Blind Mice)
One blue square, one blue square,
See how it's shaped, see how it's shaped
Four big corners it does have,
Four big corners it does have
One blue square, one blue square.
Square Song
(tune: Mickey Mouse Club Theme Song)
All squares have four sides,
Shaped like blocks,
Or a slice of bread,
All four sides are the same.
One, two, three, four (spoken),
Squares are e-a-sy.
Make a Shape
(tune: The Mulberry Bush)
This is the way we make a square,
Make a square, make a square,
This is the way we make a square,
So early in the morning.
The Rolling Circle Song
(tune: Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?)
Have you ever seen a circle, a circle, a circle?
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes 'round and 'round?
It rolls this way and that way,
And this way and that way.
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes 'round and 'round?
It rolls this way and that way,
and this way and that way.
Have you ever seen a circle, which goes 'round and 'round?
Red Shapes Hokey Pokey
(tune: Hokey Pokey)
Put a red (name of shape) in,
Put a red (name of shape) in,
Put a red (name of shape) in,
And shake it all about.
Do the hokey pokey
And turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about.
Shapes What About You
I am a circle
Here's what I can do.
I can roll around.
How about you?
I am a square
So perfectly true.
I am the same length on four sides.
How about you?
I am a rectangle
With four sides too!
But I can be short or tall.
What about you?
I am a triangle
With only three sides.
But I can stand on anyone.
How about you?
It's a Rectangle
(tune: B-I-N-G-O)
There is a shape that has four sides,
But it is not a square...No!
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
It is not like a square....No!
Two sides are long; two sides are short.
They are not the same...No!
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
It's a rectangle;
The sides are not the same...No!
(Hold up a square when mentioned and then hold up rectangle)
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Movement Songs and Fingerplays
Face to Face
I have two eyes,
two eyebrows, too,
Two ears, one nose, one chin,
Two lips, one mouth, and lots of teeth.
You'll see them when I grin.
I need my lips and tongue and teeth.
I need my cheeks and lungs to speak,
to whisper, talk, sing, cry or shout.
I take in air in, I breathe air out.
And when I smile, I stretch my lips
in the middle of my face.
From ear to ear and cheek to cheek
And everything’s in place
I reach my arms above my head
I wave my hands about
I bend my neck and wiggle my hips
and stick my elbows out
Two ears, one nose, one chin,
Two lips, one mouth, and lots of teeth.
You'll see them when I grin.
I need my lips and tongue and teeth.
I need my cheeks and lungs to speak,
to whisper, talk, sing, cry or shout.
I take in air in, I breathe air out.
And when I smile, I stretch my lips
in the middle of my face.
From ear to ear and cheek to cheek
And everything’s in place
I reach my arms above my head
I wave my hands about
I bend my neck and wiggle my hips
and stick my elbows out
I touch my knees and then my ankles
and tap, tap, tap my toes
and then I stand straight up again
and wrinkle up my nose.
Fingers in my Pocket
I’ve got five fingers in my pocket;Five fingers hidden away
Five fingers in my pocket.
Look! Aw, one went away!
I’ve got four fingers in my pocket;
Four fingers hidden away
Four fingers in my pocket.
Look! Aw, one went away!
I’ve got three fingers in my pocket;
Three fingers hidden away
Three fingers in my pocket.
Look! Aw, one went away!
I’ve got two fingers in my pocket;
Two fingers hidden away
Two fingers in my pocket.
Look! Aw, one went away!
I’ve got one finger in my pocket;
One finger hidden away
One finger in my pocket.
Look! Aw, one went away!
I’ve got no fingers in my pocket.
No fingers hidden away.
No fingers in my pocket.
Look! Five fingers back to stay. Hurray!
![Right Hand Left Hand](file:///C:/Users/Lesa/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.gif)
Here's my left hand to touch the sky.
Right hand,
Left hand,
Roll them around.
Left hand. Right hand.
have two little hands that go clap, clap, clap.
I have two
little feet that go stomp, stomp, stomp.
I have one
little body that stands up straight,
and one
little body that goes round and round,
and one
little body that sits quietly down."
Clap your
touch your
turn around
and touch your nose.
Flap your
jump up
wiggle your
and reach
for the sky!
Clap clap
clap your hands as slowly as you can
Clap clap
clap your hands as quickly as you can
Rub rub rub
your hands as slowly as you can
Rub rub rub
your hands as quickly as you can
Shake shake
shake as slowly as you can
Shake shake
shake your hands
as quickly as you can
as quickly as you can
Roll roll
roll your hands as slowly as you can
Roll roll
roll your hands as quickly as you can
Clap clap
clap your hands as slowly as you can
Clap clap
clap your hands as quickly as you can
Stomp your
wiggle your
and sit
back down.
I have 10
little fingers and they all belong to me
I can make
them do things, would you like to see?
I can shut
them up tight and open them wide
I can put
them together and make them all hide
I can make
them jump high, I can make them jump low
I can fold
them quietly and place them just so
I wiggle my
I wiggle my
I wiggle my
I wiggle my
Now the
wiggles are out of me
See how
still I can be
If you're
ready for a story take a seat.
If you're
ready for a story take a seat.
Clap your
hands and tap your feet.
Make your
hands all nice and neat.
If you're
ready for a story take a seat.
I have ten little fingers and they all belong to me.
I can make them do things, would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight or open them wide.
I can put them together or make them all hide.
I can make them jump high, I can make them jump low.
I can fold them quietly hold them just so.
I can make them do things, would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight or open them wide.
I can put them together or make them all hide.
I can make them jump high, I can make them jump low.
I can fold them quietly hold them just so.
A Movement Rhyme)
A Movement Rhyme)
I wiggle my fingers,
I wiggle my toes,
I wiggle my shoulders,
I wiggle my nose.
Now no more wiggles
Are left in me,
So I can sit as still as can be.
I wiggle my toes,
I wiggle my shoulders,
I wiggle my nose.
Now no more wiggles
Are left in me,
So I can sit as still as can be.
(A Movement Rhyme)
(A Movement Rhyme)
Two little feet go tap, tap, tap.
Two little hands go clap, clap, clap.
One little body, twirls around.
One quiet body sits back down.
Two little hands go clap, clap, clap.
One little body, twirls around.
One quiet body sits back down.
Tune: “Frere Jacques”
Tune: “Frere Jacques”
It is story time. It is story time.
Circle ‘round, Then sit down.
When our ears are ready.
When our hands are steady,
We will start
The best part.
Circle ‘round, Then sit down.
When our ears are ready.
When our hands are steady,
We will start
The best part.
(A Movement Rhyme)
(A Movement Rhyme)
Open your hand,
Then clap, clap, clap
Now, you lay them in your lap.
Two little eyes looking straight ahead.
Two little ears, hearing what is said.
Then clap, clap, clap
Now, you lay them in your lap.
Two little eyes looking straight ahead.
Two little ears, hearing what is said.
Tune: “Frere Jacques”
Tune: “Frere Jacques”
It is story time. It is story time.
Circle ‘round, Then sit down.
When our ears are ready.
When our hands are steady,
We will start
The best part.
Circle ‘round, Then sit down.
When our ears are ready.
When our hands are steady,
We will start
The best part.
I Wiggle
I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my fingers,
(wiggle fingers)
I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my toes.
(Wiggle toes)
I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my shoulders,
(Wiggle shoulders)
I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my nose.
(Wiggle nose).
Now no more wiggles are left in me,
(Shake head)
So I will be as still as I can be.
(Sit still)
I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my fingers,
(wiggle fingers)
I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my toes.
(Wiggle toes)
I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my shoulders,
(Wiggle shoulders)
I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my nose.
(Wiggle nose).
Now no more wiggles are left in me,
(Shake head)
So I will be as still as I can be.
(Sit still)
Can You Move with Me?
(tune: Do Your Ears Hang Low)
(tune: Do Your Ears Hang Low)
Can you wiggle like a worm?
Can you squiggle?
Can you squirm?
Can you flutter? Can you fly like a gently butterfly?
Can you crawl upon the ground.
Like a bettle that is round?
Can you move with me?
Can you squiggle?
Can you squirm?
Can you flutter? Can you fly like a gently butterfly?
Can you crawl upon the ground.
Like a bettle that is round?
Can you move with me?
Can you flip? Can you flap?
Can you give a little hop?
Can you slither like a snake?
Can you give a little shake?
Can you dance like a bee
Who is buzzing around a tree?
Can you give a little hop?
Can you slither like a snake?
Can you give a little shake?
Can you dance like a bee
Who is buzzing around a tree?
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